Belgenny Farm is located at Camden, south west of Sydney. It is part of the original 2,000 hectare (5,000 acre) Camden property granted to John Macarthur in 1805.
Belgenny Farm is the oldest and most important collection of farm buildings in Australia. It was the Home Farm of the Camden Park Estate until 1973, remaining in the Macarthur family for nearly 170 years.
Ranked among Australia's great agricultural pioneers, John and Elizabeth Macarthur and their descendants were at the forefront of the wool industry, dairying, horticulture and grape growing.
The enterprises and innovations on Camden Park reflect the development of Australia's agricultural traditions. Today, the property offers visitors a glimpse into life on a working farm through different eras, and provides serene surroundings which are an ideal venue for functions and events.
Camden Park Estate Ltd. was sold in 1973 and in 1984 the NSW Government purchased part of the land. About 400 hectares around Camden Park House was not part of the Estate and continues to be owned and farmed by descendants of John and Elizabeth Macarthur.
Belgenny Farm is Crown Land that is managed by the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development through the Belgenny Farm Agricultural Heritage Centre Trust.