
Belgenny Farm is the ideal location for a school group that is looking to learn more about role of science and technology in the dairy industry and the history of agriculture.

DPI Schools Program Educator conducting milk experiments with students

School Excursions

School excursions at Belgenny

DPI Schools Logo
The NSW DPIRD Schools team has joined forces with A Smart Farmer to deliver school programs at Belgenny Farm in Camden, NSW.
To enquire about booking an excursion at Belgenny Farm click here.

Teaching resources

Belgenny Creamery

Five K-6 units of work to support learning about dairy farming and production in either an onsite or online visit to the to the historic Belgenny Creamery in Camden.

NSW DPIRD schools resources

K-12 teaching resources mapped to NSW syllabus, teacher professional development and careers information are available on the NSW DPI website.