This building was constructed in the 1820s as a coach house for horse-drawn vehicles. As part of the Macarthurs' expansion of dairy production in the 1890s, it was converted into a creamery in 1898 by adding an upper storey and an elevated water tank. It became one of four creameries on the estate.
At the creamery, milk was separated into cream and skim milk. Cans of milk were hauled to the top floor from carts parked directly underneath. The milk was tipped into a vat and flowed into a machine called a 'separator'. At the Belgenny creamery there was a single separator driven by a steam engine with its boiler and chimney. The cream was taken to Menangle Central Creamery to be sold or made into butter. The skim milk was fed to pigs on Camden Park.
Within two decades this creamery, along with other unrefrigerated creameries, became obsolete when most milk was separated on farms and the cream delivered to refrigerated butter factories. The second storey was demolished in the 1930s and the building became a farm shed. The shell of the second storey was reinstated in the 1980s but the creamery interior has not been re-created.